Must Reads

17 Daily Habits Practiced by Highly Successful People

Your best days are likely the ones in which you take good care of yourself while being highly productive. To make it happen, though, you need to be intentional with how you use the minutes of your day. Here are more than a dozen habits highly successful people practice to push themselves to the next level.

1. Find your purpose, refer to it, and let it guide your path

"Knowing and following a personal, specific purpose empowers us to live with greater confidence. Having an active awareness of our purpose leads to deeper satisfaction as we readily know if a choice or task serves or takes from our purpose. Set aside time and explore your purpose. Write it down, refine it, share it, and refer to it often no matter how large or small. It doesn't have to be monumental: 'Make memories with my family,' 'Provide for those I love,' 'Create jobs,' 'Serve others,' etc. Just be certain to make your purpose your daily mantra."

– Doug Bloom, Philadelphia chair of Tiger 21, a peer membership organization with more than 650 high-net-worth wealth creators and preservers worldwide.

2. Connect with someone

"Humans are inherently social. We've an innate desire to connect with one another--whether it be over a meal, traveling to other countries, or watching a movie together. Due to this, I make a daily effort to get out of the office (when feasible) to show up and meet interesting people as a means of identifying opportunities, striking partnerships, connecting, and learning new things. But I believe that how you show up is just as important as the act of showing up itself. You can't expect every meet-and-greet to be as simple as driving down to your local coffee shop, so I'm adamant about immersing myself in their world as well: catching a plane, meeting them in their office, [or] driving to their home. I've been fortunate enough to start and invest in numerous successful businesses because I showed up to meet someone, many of whom I was meeting for the very first time. Ultimately, relationships are what drive businesses forward, and there is no better substitute when developing a relationship than to show up."

– Adam Jiwan, founder, CEO and Chairman at Spring Labs.

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