Must Reads

Can We Afford Joy in a World of Suffering?

Let’s face it: it’s pretty bad out there. Financial worries. Powerful people ruled by greed and self-interest. Distrust and outright hatred because those who are different seem threatening. A planet, since the beginning of time providing us with indescribable richness and beauty, now so out of whack that our main task may be figuring out how to survive.

It’s not a picture that fills the heart with hope and inspiration. And yet it’s a world still filled with goodness, love, compassion, natural splendor, delight and joy. Dare we let ourselves feel those things that uplift our spirit and make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Would we risk going into a dream state of complacency, thinking everything’s going to be all right only to wake up and find it’s too late and we blew it? ...Read More

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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

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