Health & Fitness

Vegan Diet Reduces Neuropathic Pain In People with Diabetes

People with diabetes should consider a slight tweak to Michael Pollan’s oft-quoted dietary dictum: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Make it “Only plants,” and they can markedly reduce the burden of neuropathy, one of the most painful and debilitating consequences of diabetes.

vegan diet 3 According to a study published recently in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes, following a vegan diet may help to reduce neuropathic pain in people with diabetes.

Roughly 60% of all type 2 diabetes patients experience neuropathy. Conventional treatment approaches are typically focused on pain management and blood sugar control, sometimes with medications that have significant side effects.

Healthful eating is one of the most effective strategies for maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Previous studies have identified a correlation between a vegetarian diet-- one potential example of a healthy diet -- and improved glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes ...Read More

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