Health & Fitness
Back in September, Mark Bittman left his perch as a New York Times op-ed columnist and food writer, declaring he would "take a central role in a year-old food company, to do what I've been writing about these many years: to make it easier for people to eat more plants." Ever since, the fooderatti have wondered precisely what that company would be. Monday, Bittman revealed that he'd signed on as "chief innovation officer" at Purple Carrot, one of the growing number of companies that deliver recipes and pre-measured ingredients to consumers' doors.
Purple Carrot's twist: It's 100 percent vegan. Bittman, author of VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 pm to Lose Weight & Restore Your Health for Good, has long extolled the health and environmental virtues of shifting to a more plant-based diet ...Read more
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