
These Are the Times that Try Men’s Souls

Today, heavy clouds loom over the Ithaca sky, but they are not nearly as heavy as the ones that engross our souls. We are impounded by a visceral silence. Tears are flowing and despair is in the air. It is a lumbering day in American history.
This morning a man who embodies so many values humanity actively condemns won the contest for the most powerful office the world has to offer. Hate reigns supreme. Bigotry is victorious. Evil dominates good. But only for today.

These are the times that try men’s souls.-Thomas Paine

I believe with every fiber of my being that I am apart of a force that has more than enough potential to undermine and eradicate the consequences this election will surely beget. Everyday we grow more educated and thus more compassionate. Soon America will belong to us, and I have faith our judgements will be just, formed on a basis of goodness, and contribute to the betterment of our shared existence. This result is calamitous, lamentable, but most importantly, it is temporary.

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